Transform Podcasts into Profit, Analyze Demographics & More! | Thursday 10

Get the latest insights in AI, LLM, and automation with AI Automation Life. Explore new ways to turn podcast episodes into profits, predict demographics, and build AI applications.

Welcome to the third edition of AI Automation Life. You will find latest use cases, insights and trends in AI, LLM, and automation that are reshaping industries and revolutionizing our daily lives.

In this week’s briefing:

  • 🎧 Turning Podcast Episodes into Profitable Insights with AI: Discover how to transform podcast episodes into valuable insights using AI. This guide for founders outlines a step-by-step process to extract and utilize quotes, with practical use cases to engage audiences and analyze content.

  • 📄 Summarize Complex Arxiv AI Research Papers: RSS: Uncover how to simplify complex AI research using RSS & OpenAI AI Automation, and make knowledge accessible for all.

  • 👤 Predict Age, Gender, and Nationality with AI & Airtable: With AI and Airtable, your business can transform how you engage with your followers, subscribers, or customer. Predict their nationalities, age and genders.

  • 🔗 Connecting APIs to Airtable: A Comprehensive Guide to Automation with Real-world Examples - Create Bots, Manage Leads & More!: Learn how to integrate various APIs to create unique traffic and revenue channels for your business, with a sneak peek into future Generative AI workflows.

  • 🛠️ Product Review: Stack AI - Build and Deploy AI Applications in Minutes: Explore Stack AI, the innovative no-code platform enabling businesses to build and deploy AI applications like chatbots and document processing in minutes. Try Stack AI

Turning Podcast Episodes into Profitable Insights with AI

Ever listened to a podcast episode and found yourself lost in the profound wisdom within its dialogue? If you're a founder looking to leverage podcast content in a new way, this guide will introduce you to a simple and efficient process for extracting valuable quotes from podcasts using AI, specifically Llama-2-13b-chat.

Step 1: Start with speech2text, Google Vertex AI
Step 2: Clean Up the Quotes, a16z-infra/llama-2-13b-chat API
Step 3: Label the Quotes, Text Classification API

Two Practical Use Cases for Founders:

  • Create an AI Twitter/Discord Bot: Share quotes from the episodes on your channel, engaging your audience with relevant content.

  • Analyze Episodes with Machine Learning: Compare podcast content with YT/Spotify analytics to understand which topics resonate most with your audience. 

Summarize Complex Arxiv AI Research Papers: RSS

Uncover how to simplify complex AI research using RSS & OpenAI AI Automation, and make knowledge accessible for all.

Predict Age, Gender, and Nationality with AI & Airtable

Want to analyze your audience's demographics? Ever wondered how you can personalize content and experiences tailored to each user? With AI and Airtable, your business can transform how you engage with your followers, subscribers, or customers.

Understanding your audience is crucial but what if you could dig deeper and personalize your approach to each individual's age, gender, and nationality? This guide will walk you through the process. By using this simple workflow, you can see the predicted details of your audience’s such as age, gender and nationality from their first names.

Step 1: Choose Your APIs 

You can easily integrate Genderize, Nationalize, Agify APIs with Airtable.

  • Connect the APIs to pull relevant demographic data.

  • Filter through the data to ensure accuracy and relevance.

let table = base.getTable('HumanAgeNationGender');
let { records } = await table.selectRecordsAsync();


for (let record of records) {
    let name =; // Access the name directly from the record

    // Gender API
    let genderResponse = await fetch(`${name}`);
    let genderData = await genderResponse.json();
    let gender = genderData.gender;
    let probability = genderData.probability;
    let count = genderData.count;

    // Nationality API
    let nationalityResponse = await fetch(`${name}`);
    let nationalityData = await nationalityResponse.json();
    let nationality =[0]?.country_id; // Assuming you want the first country's ID

    // Age API
    let ageResponse = await fetch(`${name}`);
    let ageData = await ageResponse.json();
    let age = ageData.age;

   await table.updateRecordAsync(record, {
    'Gender': gender,
    'Probability': probability,
    'Count': count,
    'Nationality': nationality,
    'Age': age.toString() // Convert age to string


Step 2: Fetch the Data 

Simple JavaScript fetch() combined with Airtable will allow you to acquire gender, age, nationality.

  • Get the data from your user base.

  • Organize it in a way that’s easy to analyze.

Step 3: Apply to Your Business 

Customize content, offers, or services just for your audience!

  • Create targeted advertising campaigns.

  • Enhance user experience with personalized recommendations.

Step 4: Go Further 

Combine with other tools or APIs for even more power.

  • Integrate with CRM systems for in-depth analysis.

  • Explore more advanced AI tools for additional insights.

Step 5: Share & Learn

Show the community what you've built and learn together.

  • Share your success stories and best practices.

  • Engage with other businesses and learn from their experiences on our X Community.

Connecting Airtable with these APIs is the easiest way to enhance your business and a powerful method to truly understand and resonate with your audience. Whether you’re a marketer, indie hacker, or solopreneur, this approach opens doors to limitless possibilities.

Connecting APIs to Airtable: A Comprehensive Guide

Learn how to integrate various APIs to create unique traffic and revenue channels for your business, with a sneak peek into future Generative AI workflows.